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Engage 服務


Language Teachers


If you are fluent in Mandarin and are interested in teaching a language class or substituting, please contact the Academic Director at

Knowledge and experience in teaching a foreign language are highly desirable, but we are also eager to meet candidates who show leadership qualities, are committed to helping students learn Chinese, and are motivated to learn and improve.

TEACHERS WANTED: We are seeking language teachers for the 2024-2025 school year. Learn more about the teaching positions.

Culture Teachers
If you have the background and experience to teach Chinese arts, music, or culture, or other activities that our students might enjoy, please contact the Culture Director at

Assist a Teacher

Students can earn community credit hours for their regular school by volunteering as a teaching assistant (TA) in a CSSJ language or culture class. 

For more information and to inquire about openings, please contact the Academic Director at



We are a parent-operated school and rely on parents to volunteer in every capacity, from sharing creative ideas for improvements, to giving a helping hand, to coordinating activities.  

If you can help with any of the following positions and activities, please contact the Vice Principal at

  • Fundraising – Dedicated and creative people needed to help develop, implement, and execute fundraising efforts.

  • Event Support — We welcome helping hands in setting up, running, and wrapping up our school events. Technical help (audio-video support, stage preparation, photography, etc.) is always helpful.  

  • Graphic Design — Design and production (print and digital) support can help meet our graphic needs (fliers, brochures, yearbook, event programs, etc.). 

  • Enrichment Programs — We welcome ideas for special cultural performances or workshops that would expand our families knowledge and appreciation for Chinese language and culture. 

Have other ideas on how your skills, talents, and time could support or enhance our school? We would love to hear from you!

Chinese School of South Jersey
Mailing Address: PO Box 2024, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
Campus Location: Carusi Middle School, 315 Roosevelt Dr, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Email:      (856) 437-0323

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